My Sisters Keeper Jodi Picoult Atria Books 418 pages
I decided to read My Sisters Keeper because I heard from a friend that it was an outstanding book that will keep your attention through-out the entire novel. Also, I saw the movie, and I heard that the book varied a great deal from the movie. I enjoyed the movie very much, so I knew that I would love the book as well.
My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult is a novel about two sisters, one with leukemia, and one born to be a donor for her sister. Anna (the donor) decides that she has been through way too much, and she wants the rights to her own body. Therefore she gets a lawyer involved, and wins the rights to her own body. Her parents continually try to make Anna drop the lawsuit, but she remains with what she believes. All through the book is seems as though her parents are only concerned with Kate. However, when an unexpected accident happens, it leaves you with an ending you will never believe. Anyone who has ever seen or watched a love with struggle through an exceptionally difficult sickness would greatly appreciate this novel.
The audience of this book is for anyone such as teenagers both male and female, adults, and elders because the way that Jodi Picoult creates this novel into a very realistic story. Jodi Picoult reaches out to her audience, and catches the reader's attention from the start. She starts off explaining exactly what goes on, and the fact that this book is so real makes an incredible story. It brings out emotion and the tone of her writing effects the mood of her audience. “In the English Language there are orphans and windows, but there is no word for the parent who loses a child” (pg 417)
“It turns out that after all these years i have spent anticipating a moment like this, I am completely at a loss. Like coloring the sky in with crayon; there is no language for grief this big” (pg 417). This passage really stuck with me because there are some moments in life when you really are at a loss for words, not knowing how to let go, or how to say goodbye. There is no easy way to ever say goodbye, and maybe sometimes people are scared of the fear or what lies ahead, I know I have been.
“My father says that a fire will burn itself out, unless you open a window and give it fuel. I suppose that's what I'm doing, when you get right down to it; but then again, my dad also says that when flames are licking at your heels you've got to break down a wall or two if you want to escape” (pg 13). This passage stood out a great deal to me. Sometimes when times get hard, and it seems as though you have no way out, you have to look beyond what is in front of you, and break through. This means a lot especially at times when you feel as though you don't know how to escape realities truths.
“It takes sixty seconds to understand that even if you've been fooled into thinking so, you do not have an ordinary life” (pg 164-165). After reading this passage from the novel, it made me sad to realize that some people really do not have a full-filled life, and they may never will. Going through a struggle such as this, it's hard to imagine how one can stay as cheerful as some people seem.
After reading this story, you can depict many themes, however the one that stands out the most is “how far would you go for someone you love.” In this novel one way that this theme is demonstrated is by Kate only born for one purpose. This was her parent's idea so she could be a donor for her sister. Another way that this is demonstrated is by Campbell standing up for Anna. She believes that Anna should have the rights to her own body. He strongly believes that Anna is mature enough for medical emancipation.
There is no doubt in my mind that I would award Jodi Picoult with an A for this book. This novel continually keeps her audience interested and wanting more. It is obvious that this is a moving story, and the way that it is developed is incredible. There is nothing more that she needs to add, and the level of this book is extremely high.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
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Tayler, I read this book for summer reading and found it to be outstanding also. The story was extreamly sad but I could not put it down. I love Jodi Picoult which made me want to read the story more. I did not expect the ending it was surprising and I did not like it. I don't think that either of the sisters should have died. I never saw the movie but heard it wasn't as good as the book. How did you feel about the movie?
ReplyDeleteJodi Picoult is my favorite author. The first book that I read was My Sister's Keeper and I loved it. I couldn't put it down. I loved how the author wrote and took the view from different people prespective on the situation. I would recommend this to anyone.
ReplyDeleteTayler, I read Nineteen Minuits by Jodi Picoult and I really enjoyed that book since My Sister Keeper has the same author I think I would like it. I also have heard that My Sister Keeper has a movie also. I think that this book should be a very sad and emotional story. Since you gave this book such a high grade I think I would enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI read this book and it is one of my favorites. I could not put it down after I read the first couple chapters. It was a sad story, but definitely worth reading. I liked how the author wrote the book from different characters perspectives, instead of just one. The ending really caught me off guard, I did not expect the book to turn out the way it did.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my favorite books. I saw the movie and it was very different from the book, but I definitely liked the book better. The last passage really struck me. I have always had a happy life, and I used to think that everyone is happy with their lives. I find it so sad that some people are not happy with the lives they live, sometimes because of family problems and other times because of personal problems. This book made me realize to not take everything that I have for granted because, even though sometimes I envy others, I am lucky to have everything that I have.
ReplyDelete- Anna Sullivan
Unlike all of you people who said that you could NOT put the book down after reading it...I actually could. I'm not a large fan of tragedies and in this case the ending of the book made me want to kill myself. thanks, now I'm utterly depressed!
ReplyDeleteI'm still pushing myself to read this book. I saw the movie, a mistake I keep making with all to book to movie films. I really dreaded going to see this movie but once it started, I loved it. The book is on my bookshelf staring at me and the size of the book always scares me away. I'm looking forward to reading the book but I just need the motivation first.
ReplyDeleteJessica Mercier said....
ReplyDeleteI didn't enjoy this book at all. At some points in the book it was a little interesting and readable, but for the most part it was boring to me. Though the ending was unpredictable, I still didn't think it fit the story. I haven't seen the movie yet, and I will probably never because the story line just doesn't interest me.
This book from looking at all the reviews seems to be very good, and is something i could consider reading. The description by taylor is very good and provides incite to the story. Also i have seen that there is a movie for this book. I probably wont see the movie seeing a have not read the book.
ReplyDelete~Andy Ladas
Although I haven't read this book, I would like to. Most of my friends have read it and say that it is a great book. Also, I think there is a movie of this coming out, so I will probably go and see that. It sounds very sad and emotional touching, which, to me, is a good thing. I have also read Nineteen Minutes by her and liked it, so that's another reason why I think I would like this book.
ReplyDeleteI have heard this book is bad and I've heard it's good. I think I will have to read it for myself for the next outside reading project and have my own opinion. The fact that it is so deep in topic I don't see why I won't love it. I love the books that give you the real life story and not cover it up.
ReplyDeleteI have read this book and I agree with Tayler that it is a great book. I would agree with the grade of an "A" for the book. The third quote really struck me hard. It made me think of a family that was really kind and generous, but kept getting punished for something they didn't deserve. Time after time bad luck fell upon them, and it reminded me about the ending of the book where Anna does a good thing, but then Fate gets her.
ReplyDeleteI read this book last year and I fell in love with it. This book is one of my favorites! I definitely agree that it deserves an "A" because it was so great. The plot is so touching and deep, it really makes you appreciate what you have. It also makes you cherish the people around you because in reality, they could be gone is a second. Tayler, you did a great job with this review!
ReplyDeleteJodi Picoult is such an amazing author. I loved this book, and her book Nineteen Minutes. It is a very sad book, but i would agree with Tayler and i would give this book an A because it was beautifully written. I also saw this movie, and think that the book was a lot better than the movie.
ReplyDeleteTHis book has to be top five in my list of books that I have read. I agree with the A grade. The author really knew how to write a great book and blew people away with the plot. At first i was optimistic about reading it but it soon became one of my favorite books of all time.
ReplyDeleteErnesto Ayala
This is one of my favorite novels by Jodi Picoult. She incorporates emotion and heartache into her writing, but it is done in a realistic way. I think your summary gives great detail, but not too much where it gives away the entire story. The quotes that you chose really stuck with me. The one that said she may have been fooled into thinking she has a normal life makes me feel sympathetic towards Anna and Kate because they don't have a typical childhood. I know what it feels like to have a loved one go through cancer, and it's a difficult situation to deal with.
ReplyDeleteTayler you always pick the best books to read. Im thinking that next quarter i'm going to read this book because you liked it so much and when you read So B. It i did too and I loved it. I saw this movie and it was so heart touching that I think i'd love the book so much more. Good choice.
ReplyDeleteShannon Engelson