Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Moon (Maddie Mercier)

New Moon, by Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown and Company, 545 pp
I decided to read this book because it is the sequel to Twilight which I read over the summer. I really loved the first book, so I wanted to read the second one.
New Moon is the second book in the Twilight series. This book started off with a bang at Bella’s birthday party where she was opening gifts and got a paper cut. For any other family, this wouldn’t be a big deal at all, but it’s the Cullen family so as soon as that first drop of blood fell, it went downhill. The next day, Edward toward Bella that he and his family were leaving forever. Bella went into a state depression; she wasn’t living her life at all. She was just going through the motions, until Jacob came along. As we know, Edward is a vampire and as the book continues, we find out that Jacob is a werewolf. As the book continues, Jacob and Bella become very close, but Bella still wants Edward. Bella will do anything to see Edward again, so she comes close to death in hopes of him coming and saving her, but Jacob saves her instead. Edward thinks that Bella has died, so he goes to the Volturi to be killed and be with Bella. Alice finds out that Bella is in fact alive, so the two pf them travel to Italy in hopes of keeping Edward from being killed and in the end, Bella and Edward are together, alive.
The audience for this book has a wide range because the first book was such a phenomenon. There are fifth graders that read it and parents that read it too.
The author, Stephenie Meyer, writes with detail when she needs to and uses simpler terms when she needs to. She incorporates a good balance of technical terms and simple ones. The book is more focused on the plot than anything else. “It was Jacob himself. Jacob was a perpetually happy person, and he carried that happiness with him like an aura, sharing it with whoever was near him. Like an earthbound sun, whenever someone was within his gravitational pull, Jacob warmed them” (145).
“Alice, I assumed, had covered every flat surface with pink candles and dozens of crystal bowls filled with hundreds of roses. There was a table with a white cloth draped over it next to Edward’s grand piano, holding a pink birthday cake, more roses, a stack of glass plates, and a small pile of silver-wrapped presents” (25).
If somebody planned me a birthday party, it would probably be something along the lines of what Alice did for Bella. Everything I own is pink, or flowered, so when I read this passage I laughed because it reminded me of myself.
“A week was long. By Wednesday, I was sure I wasn’t going to live till Saturday” (227).
This is a quote that almost every person can relate you, including myself. Sometime the week seems so long that you won’t make it, but thankfully Friday always comes.
“I probably should have watched out the windows as first the city of Florence and then the Tuscan landscape flashed past with blurring speed. This was my first trip anywhere…” (440).
In this part of the book, Bella has traveled to Italy to save Edward, so as I was reading I thought back to my trip to Italy in April. It brought back a lot of memories and it was cool to read about places that I had already seen.
The primary theme of New Moon is that true love never fails. That is the theme because after Edward left, Jacob and Bella were ‘together’ and they had their fun, but in the end, Edward and Bella were together. Edward and Bella have an extremely loving relationship, and Jacob was never really going to be able to separate them. Another reason why that is the theme is because Bella risked her life just to see Edwards face like the motorcycle incident and when she jumped off of the cliff.
I would give this book an A- because I loved it. The plot, the characters, and the excitement kept me going until the very end. The author has a very strong way of keeping the reader guessing up until the final twist. I can’t wait to read the next book!


  1. I read this book also and I really enjoyed it. I agree with the theme of true love because even Jacob can't ruin Bella and Edmwards love. I agree with the letter grade of an A- because I liked the plot and how the author writes her stories.
    - Nicole Chivas

  2. I have read this book a couple times, and I have to agree with you. This book definitely desirves an A-. Though even if this was a great book, I have to say, out of the whole series, it is my least favorite. As I was reading the passage about Italy it surprised me when I thought the same things as you. I thought of my experience in Florence, and all the fun I had there. It was cool to have memories of places mentioned in books.

  3. I read the first Twilight book and I didn't really like it, but I enjoyed the movie. Reading your opinion on this book makes me interested in reading the book and giving it a chance. The passage about Italy sounds suspenseful and interesting. This book sounds like you would want to keep reading through the chapters to find out what happens next.

  4. Remember when vampires were scary? Nobody wanted to date a vampire before Twilight was written. I've read all of the the twilight books, I'm ashamed to say. They were engrossing at the time, but now, the saga sickens me. "Look guys, glittery vampires who run around in the daytime!". Your summary portrayed the book well, though.

    Team Dracula.

  5. The Twilight series are amazing. I absolutely loved the first book. But I agree that the plot of New Moon was filled with excitement. I loved the way you described the author's writing style because her style allows the readers to get a hold of the vivid description of New Moon. The book keeps the audience interested and wondering what will happen next.
    Great job~

  6. I have to agree with Logan for the most part here. The Twilight Saga was a good series in its time I will admit. There comes a point where it gets tireing to have to hear about it though. It seems like i cannot walk ten feet without hearing teenage girls drooling over these glampires. At its core though I have to agree with you its a wonderful book, but its just way hyped.

  7. If the movie was good, why not? I haven't read any of the Twilight serie books but from what I can see here many people love her books. I would read this book. The way that Maddie described the book in her own words sounds like it would be a good book. It sounds very interesting. To me, anything with love and death is always bound to end up good.

  8. I've never read one of the Twilight books. Although I have seen the movies. I do like the movies, but I don't think that I would enjoy reading the series of books. The story line and events are too fantisy to me. It would be really hard to believe in what's going on.
    -Nicole Martins

  9. I just recently read the first Twilight book. After reading your sumarization, I would seriously like to borrow this book from you to read it. Iam somewhat a big fan of the Twilight series. I also agree with giving the book an A- because I watched the movie. I am hooked on the Ywilight series. Blue Disley

  10. I have read this book twice along with the rest of the Twilight Saga. This book is probably the most different from the other books of the series because of the mood of the book. The way the author writes these books makes you feel like you are Bella, and are really a part of the book when reading it. This series is my all time favorite. I agree with you giving it an A-.

  11. I've read the whole Twilight series, and absolutly loved it. Although, my least favorite happened to be New Moon. I just don't like how involved Jacob is with everything that is going on. I mean,sure, he's a great friend to Bella, but he buts in when I want him to but out. All and all I agree that it was a good book, and I also agree with Stephenie Meyers writting style.

  12. I have never read the twilight series and dont really want to. Having seen the movie the book seEms to be more feminine than for guys. The review of the book however, is very descriptive and provides a person who didnt know about the twilight saga with a seemingly enticing book to read.
    ~Andy Ladas

  13. I think this book sounds awful. It sounds like a childish, elementary plot with entirely unrealistic love stories. I think it's pretty hilarious that parents actually waste their time reading this book that should only be read by 12 year olds. Actually, parents who let their children read this should punished by the judicial system of America. I would not read this book unless i had a gun nto my head. Oh and I heard it was plagarized!

  14. I've also read this book, and I would agree that it is a pretty good book. However, I wouldn't give it an A- because, in my opinion, it is by far the worst book in the series. Besides that, I agree with basically everything else in your project. I also really like the quotes you chose from the book; I was able to relate to some of them. Nice job!

  15. well i would say that your summary of the book was well written. however, the story itself is stupid. zombies or vampires whichever one they are, are not real. last time i checked too, they were really ungly things with limbs hanging off of them and had big teeth and were red.

    carl boulais

  16. I have read this book as well and I believe it deserves an A- as well. Stephenie Meyer has a very interesting writing style, to were either you love the books or hate them. I know many who have read this book and series as well and others who don't even like the word "Twilight." I would recommend reading this book and series just to see what all the talk is about.

  17. I have never read this book or any other of these books in the series. This book and the others from the series seem to be more directed to the female group, so that is why i would not consider reading them. Headed in the other direction though, the book report is very descriptive and the book seems interesting. If i was interested more in the fantasy categories i might give this book a thought.
    -Zak Guenther

  18. I have never read any of the twilight novels. I have seen the latest two movies and just recently saw new my opinion this genre could be directed to males and females because if its anything like the movie then there's a lot of violence and action. I might think about reading the books just to compare and contrast on the movie. Overall I think maddie did a great job.

  19. I have read all four books and i believe that New Moon is top two. I agree with the grade because the plots is a very good one that keeps you wanting to read. It also has very discriptive scenes which makes you fell like your in the book. I also really like how Maddie describe her passages and the authors style.
    Ernesto Ayala

  20. I have read the Twilight series and your summary is very descriptive from beginning to end. I liked the quote you chose about Jacob because it sums up his character and how Bella thinks of him. I agree with the letter grade you gave the novel because it is awesome, but it doesn't top the first one. The author has a way of keeping the reader's attention of when Edward will return, which makes the story end better. I think that you did an excellent job with every part of the project.

  21. I feel like I am one of the few who has not read this book, along with the twilight series. They seem like they would be very interesting. I no longer feel that there is not need to read the series, because my friends have told me, in depth, the events in all of the books. Although, I have seen the movies I should probably check out the books sometime, because the book are always better than the movie.

  22. This book looks very interesting. I saw both movies in the Twilight series, but never read either of the books. The novel sounds interesting and like it keeps you on the edge of your seat.

  23. I've been contemplating whether or not I wanted to start reading Stephanie Meyers books. I saw Twilight last year and I wanted to see New moon this year but I wasn't sure if I wanted to read the book first along with the first book. After reading your review, i'm almost positive that i'm going to start reading these books. To comment on what Carl said: yeah, vampires and zombies aren't real (and it's a werewolf by the way)but that's why the book is fiction, which makes it way more enjoyable to read. Good job Maddie :)

    -Shannon Engelson
