Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Sister's Keeper

Book Title: My Sister’s Keeper Author: Jodi Picoult
Pages: 432 Publisher: Atria
Why did you decide to read the book? Honestly, I’ve been wanting to read the book for a long time, but I never had the motivation to read something that big in size. But because of the ORP, I finally had the motivation to read it and I don’t regret it.
Brief Summary of Book (6-8 sentences): My Sister’s Keeper is a novel about a sister, Anna, who was born in vitro to save her sister, Kate, who is dying of cancer. Anna was born so she could give whatever Kate she needed, bone marrow, kidneys, whatever Kate needed, her parents took from Anna. When Anna finally gets up and says that she doesn’t want to help Kate anymore, and her parents refuse to let her have her way, Anna hires a lawyer and sues her parents for the right to her own body. Anna still loves Kate as much as she always has but she does not want to help Kate anymore. There are many surprising twists and turns in My Sister’s Keeper, especially ones that make people think, and think a lot. You’ll have to read the book to know what happens at the end.
Audience: The audience of this book is anyone who just needs a good heartfelt read.
Writing Style: The writing style goes between the narration of the mother of the book, Sara, and Anna, the girl suing her parents. The following passage is used in the Point of View of Anna.
Passage – “When I was little, the great mystery to me wasn't how babies were made, but why. The mechanics I understood -- my older brother Jesse had filled me in -- although at the time I was sure he'd heard half of it wrong.” Page 1
Word: Granulocyte Definition: a circulating white blood cell having prominent granules in the cytoplasm and a nucleus of two or more lobes.
Sentence & page it came from “Molecular relapse and granulocyte and portacath -- these words are part of my vocabulary, even though I'll never find them on any SAT.” Page 10
Word Portacath Definition tube used to drain bodily fluids from cavities of the body.
Sentence & page it came from “Molecular relapse and granulocyte and portacath -- these words are part of my vocabulary, even though I'll never find them on any SAT.” Page 10
Passage #1: "You dont love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not"
Passage #2: "Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look."
Theme: Don’t Take Life for Granted.
I believe that this is the theme because this book shows that life can be taken very quickly, and most people takes life for granted, this book
Letter Grade: A. I think that this book deserves an A because of the cumulative reviews by major novel critics, and the review I personally gave it. This book moved a lot of people, covering a very controversial topic, I applaud Jodi Picoult for her mastery of effectively writing on this topic.


  1. A-NM
    I've read this book for summer reading at one point. I would definitly recomend this book to others to read. I would agree with giving the book an A because you can really get attached to the story and can't put it down. This is one of the best books I've ever read. Jodi Picoult deserved the raving reviews for this story.

  2. A Block - MM
    I read this book two summers ago and I absolutely fell in love with it. My Sister's Keeper is probably the best book that I have ever read, so I agree with giving the novel an A. I really like the passages that you chose becasue they are very true. I like the first passage especially because everyone has flaws and nobody's perfect. If you can't accept the flaws, then you don't have a relationship. I think that the theme of this book goes along with how people should think; live like it's your last day because every day isn't guaranteed.

  3. A Block MB
    I have never read this book but i have watched the movie. im more of a movie person although everyone tells me the movie is nothing like the book in this case and that the book is so much better. i would consider reading this book if i was motivated to read 432 pages, thats just wayy to much for me to keep my attention and keep reading. although i am tempted to read it to see if the ending is different than the movie is. your review was written really well and it was a good summary. i liked the twp quotes that you decided to use, they are very insirational. The quote that you used: "You dont love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not" i absolutely love this quote.

  4. I read this book two years ago and I thought it was amazing. It has a heart-wrenching plot ,and you refuse to put it down.I agree that this book is based on a controversial topic and that is what makes it spectacular. Not many people can write a story about a family dealing with the stress of having a daughter with cancer in a flawless way. I completely agree that this book can be read by all readers, who just need a good book to read.

  5. E-MC.
    My mother read this book in about three days because she could not put it down. She recommended me to read it but I didn't have the time to pick it up. My Sisters Keeper sounds very controversial and I feel like I would really enjoy the novel.

  6. E-NC

    I read this book also and I really liked it too. I agree a theme is don't take life for granted. I liked the passage about Anna wondering why babies are made because her point of view she sees things differently. I wonder if a lot of kids want to sue their parents? A lesson that might apply to our school would be you never know what other students are going through. People can hide feelings and put on masks well.

  7. I have never read this book, but I have heard it is an excellent book. I did see the movie and cried like a baby. People told me that I would love the book so much more. I think you did a very good job describing the book, and you picked really good and meaningful quotes. I am considering reading this book now.

  8. I read this book for summer reading and loved it! I definitely agree on the theme and I think that a lot of people do take their life for granted. My views on life changed after readying this book, i wonder if people's views have changed after reading the book too? I think that this story could apply to kids in the school. Some kids might be dealing with a loved one who currently has cancer or overcome it.

  9. This book sounds really interesting. I have seen the movie and loved it but to read the book is another thing. The theme that revolves around the book must makes it very interesting. Passage one is very true. It makes a lot sense. I liked the passage because it describes love almost perfectly. This book sounds like it would be a great choice if I were to want to read something.

  10. E-LA

    This book's premise is really crazy. I don't think I would ever bring a child into this world just to take from them. It certainly seems like a very interesting book that I will have to check out.

  11. I read this book a few summers ago and loved it. I am not much of a reader but it is one book that I didn’t have a problem finishing. My favorite two quotes of the book were used here, “You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not,” and the quote “Extraordinary things are always hiding in placed people never think to look.” I agree in giving this book an A. I would recommend it to anyone as well.

  12. E-AS
    I read this book two years ago and I loved it. It is definitely one of my favorite books. I agree about the audience. This book could be for anyone, male or female. I loved this book and I would recommend it to anyone.

  13. A-CL
    The stupid that wrote this didn't finish the explanation of the theme
    (Don't count this one)

  14. C-MC
    I loved this book. I have read other books from this author and absolutley love them too. I really liked the quotes that you chose, and i also agree with RB when they said this is a book that you can not put down. Your grade was definetly resonable and i would have said the same thing.

  15. G-CP
    When I read this book for summer reading one year, I absolutely loved it. I agree with the theme and audience. I also would recommend this book for anyone.

  16. E-KB/EC

    I also have read this book and I completely agree with your review. This was my favorite book by Jodi Picoult. The theme was so powerful that it really opened my eyes and made me realize how fragile life is. I like passage #2 that you picked. I think it really tells the reader that life should be lived with an open mind because you never know what the future has in store for you. Overall, a great book, and I would recommend it for everyone.

  17. Over one summer I read this book as well for summer reading. The plot of the story is somewhat twisted, yet still very enjoyable. When the movie came out I was tempted to go see it, but I figured the book was better; which someone told me afterward so I was glad.

  18. E-BM
    I have never read this book, but I have heard it is an very emotional book and it very motivational. I did see the movie so I know a little bit about the book. Some people told me that the book is so much better.You did a great job decribing the book in your summery. I agree with your audience levels it shows a lot about the book. Even though i didnt read it i would recommend it to anyone.

  19. A-RL
    My Sisters Keeper was one of the best books I have ever read. Even though it is a lengthy book, I can honestly say it was the only book I couldn’t put down once I started reading it. The controversial topics were portrayed perfectly and the book was well written. I agree that is book is for anyone who needs a heartfelt read. I would highly recommend everyone to check it out at some point.

  20. Along with everybody else, My Sisters Keeper is by far one of the best books I have ever read. It reminds me of the relationship I had with my grandmother, and the stuggles cancer and diseases can bring upon families. I would definite recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a touching, emotional story.

  21. E-JM
    I read this book and was very disappointed. Many people told me how good it was, but I don't think it lived up to the hype. I did not like the ending. I thought it didn't fit well with the story line and was just thrown in to make the story more interesting. I would like to see the movie so I could compare it to the book. Maybe I will enjoy the movie more than I enjoyed the book.

  22. I always say how I'm going to read this book, but I never get around to it. It sounds so amazing and I really want to look into it. I'm really drawn in by the passages you picked. I think that they just might make me go challenge myself like you did and read it even though it seems really long.

  23. I've heard many different opinons about this book. My mother read it and didn't like it that much. She said it kind of dragged on, but you seem to have enjoyed it. I think I will have to read it for myself and then maybe see how the movie differs. I need to have my own opinion for this book.

  24. I have heard many different opions about this book. My mother read it and didn't think to much of it. She said it dragged onand wasn't to interesting but you seemed to enjoy it. I think I'm going to have to read this for myself and have my own opion. Maybe even see the movie and see how it differs from the book.

  25. E-AR
    I have had to read this book for summer reading and I have to say that I really like it. For me it was a different type of book then what I normally read. I whole heartedly agree with your letter grade. This book really made me think about me life, and the way that I am living it. I like the first passage that you chose. Love really is sticking with a person no matter their faults. It is waking up each day and loving them no matter what they may do or say. Also great job on the theme, you pretty much hit it right on the nose.

  26. A - KL
    I've heard from various people that this is a very good book and from this summary it seems like it. My sister read it twice and loved it each time. The controversial storyline seems like something i may end up reading.
