Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Golden Compass

Title: The Golden Compass Author: Philip Pullman
Publisher: Yearling Pages: 399
I decided to read this book because it was recommended to me by a friend. I needed to find a book and she thought that I would enjoy it.
In this novel the main character Lyra Silertongue and her daemon Pantalaimon (Pan) embark on an adventure to save their world from Dust. In this book’s world every human has a daemon, an animal who is always by them and part of their soul. The story begins by being in her Masters office, Master of the school she goes to in London. There she is locked in the closet and learns about Dust, no one knowing she is there except for her uncle Lord Asrail who tells her to stay there because if they find out she snuck out she will be in huge trouble. After seeing images to the north she is determined to find out what is happening up North when children begin to disappear.
I think this book is for young adults. Even though the ideas and the concepts are childish the diction of the author is at higher level. He uses higher level vocabulary.
The author writes in a very descriptive way. Descriptive enough so that you get a picture in your head about what is happening, however not getting to the point where there are pages and pages of description.
- “She could hardly take her eyes off of Farder Coram’s daemon, who was the most beautiful she’d ever seen. When Pantalaimon was a cat, he was lean and ragged and harsh, but Sophonax, for that was her name, was golden-eyed and elegant beyond measure, fully twice as large as a real cat and richly furred” (142).
-Divagations- to wander off the subject under discussion
“Instead of its wayward divagations around the dial it swung smoothly from one picture to another” (133).
- Duplicitous- deceptive; dishonest; or misleading
“They should have forced his resignation long ago. Duplicitous plagiarist” (328).
“The sight filled the northern sky; the immensity of it was scarcely conceivable” (184).
-This really struck me because of the description in the passage I have always wanted to see the northern lights and after reading this I really got a picture in my mind of how it would look.
“Weary and scared, Lyra began to stumble over the harsh and slippery rock, following
the bear, wondering how she could talk her way out of this” (324).
- This struck me because even though she was in a bad in a horrible situation she managed to keep clam. She automatically went into a train of thought of survival and trying to get out.
I think the primary theme in this novel is that you have to fight for what you believe in. I think so because Lyra was constantly fighting others and herself in this book in order to get to the north, to save her father and the abducted children.
I give this book an A. It has everything tht a good book should have action, drama, and comedy. The characters are relatable to, you can see yourself being friends with the characters. The characters all are really different and its interesting to see how the author makes them interact. This is a great book and I highly recommend it.


  1. E-MC
    I am almost positive I have read most of this book when I was younger. From what I can recall it was very good and I enjoyed it. Books that take place in different worlds are very exciting to read and I enjoy them. I am going to take your word and pick up The Golden Compass and finish reading it.

  2. E-LA

    I always enjoyed fantasy novels, and this seems like it would be no exception. It seems unique in the sense that it breaks free of the whole sword-and-board template.

  3. E-KB

    This book sounds very interesting. I saw the movie with my friends and the plot was very suspenseful; it was really good. The book sounds just like the movie. I can relate to the second passage you described. There are many times in life that are chaotic but the best thing you can do to get through them is stay calm.

  4. This seems like a very good book, and although I've never heard of it before I'm going to keep it in mind for the next time I have to choose a book. The plot sounds interesting and the action seems intense, which makes it a good book in my opinion.

  5. E- CC
    Wow, this book sounds unbelieveable. You say it is a book that has everything a good book should have? Well that seems true from the summary and previews I've seen of the movie. I think this could be a real fun read for me because the description thorough, but not over the top, which is what I like, because I guess I can say that I have pretty good imagination. The only thing about this book is that I have a very small vocabulary but it does seem like an adventure.

  6. A-RL
    I have always wanted to read this book, but I just haven’t had the time to yet. My sister said it was a very good book, and was filled with action and intense moments. I really liked the movie, but everyone says that the book was way better. After reading the passages I agree that the author uses a lot of description when he writes. I really enjoy books that take place in different worlds and will have to check this one out some time.

  7. I have never read this book, however it seems like it'd be an incredible novel to read. The plot sounds very interesting, which is good because boring books are never fun to read. I like the sounds of the theme, "you have to fight for what you believe in" because that is my philosophy in life.

  8. This book sounds very interesting. I saw the movie not to long ago with a few people and i really did not like it. I actually tried reading this book when I was younger, but i remember that it seemed like to high of a reading level for me then. Even though i did not like the movie the book sounds like it would be a fun read. The passages make me think of a fantasy world and that is what the book is about. I can't relate this to any experience I have ever had, but the book sounds good based on this report.

  9. A-KS

    This seems like something that I would pick up and read. The fact that I'd basically be reading 400 pages would make me want to put it down before I'd start reading it though. It seems mysterious, which is a genre of literature I do like. It does seem like a book that is childish at heart, but has more of an adult perspective given by the author. This is something that I may want to read for my fourth quarter Outside Reading because I feel like it can keep me interested.

  10. This book sounds very interesting. I'm not sure that it is something that I would personally read. It sounds like a very unique story though.The way you describe it, and how you liked it makes me want to check it out though!

  11. I have seen parts of this movie and enjoyed it very much. I know majority of the time the book is always better so this will be on my books to read for sure. I feel I agree with you though when you say it's for young alduts. The movie has hard concepts to understand even though it seems very young and childish.
