Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found

Book Title: How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found Author: Sara Nickerson
Pages: 281 Publisher: HarperTrophy
Why did you decide to read the book? I was in desperate need for a book, and then I looked through the shelf in Ms. Lesniak's class and I stumbled upon this book.
Brief Summary of Book (6-8 sentences): Margaret's dad died few years ago. She lives with her mom and sister. Her mom hasn't taken his death hard. Then odd occurance happens. Maragaret finds clues to the reason of her dad's death. It's up to her and her sister to solve her dad's true death.
Audience: The audience can range from age 11 up, but I mostly recommend this book for middle school students. I feel this because there are some parts that young teens or younger children would not be able to understand.
Writing Style:
Description - Her writing style is simple, with much exaggeration. It seems like she beats around the bush to make the reader more curious.
Passage - "Boyd stepped out...glanced down at his watch and started to run. Smack! Suddenly he was on the ground with the wind knocked out of him."(113)
Word macrobiotic Definition Diet of grains, and vegetables.
Sentence & page it came from "His parents had recently switched to a macrobiotic diet, which meant several different bowls of green food and maybe one or two bowls of brown."(37)
Word waterlogged Definition Saturated with water.
Sentence & page it came from " I kicked against the weight of my waterlogged shoes and jeans, struggling to get to the surface."(248)
Passage #1: "I knew he was an excellent swimmer, so I wasn't worried about him--all I worried about was getting away and making my escape."(263)
Passage #2: "And when the story was finished, the whole world looked different. I'd met my father out there in the water. I'd felt him both pull me under and the push me up...That was it."(264)
Theme:Don't take life for granted, and enjoy the little things in life.
I feel these are reasonable themes for this piece of literature. I feel this because of the odd occurance that was behind this whole story, which was the death of Margaret's father. It all comes into play when Margaret finally finds out the entire story.
Letter Grade: B+
This book is a B+ because it draws the reader's attention to keep on going with it as it can bring out your curiosity. There are few parts that are a bit confusing, and there are other parts that can get a bit boring like when it becomes more detailed.Other than that I feel that this book can be interesting no matter what age you read it at. You can even be a parent reading it to your younger child and still enjoy it. It's a mystery story that can always keep you on your toes.


  1. A block- JR

    I knew I recognized this book. I had it at home and brought it in for the libray. The description on the back didn't interest me enough to read it, but it sounds ok. It almost sounds like something you'd watch on an episode of Goosebumps when you were younger. I didn't actually read it, but I think you definitely got the audience right. It seemed like it was for younger people that like mystery novels. I don't know what the "odd occurances" were, but I like mystery novels, so if this actually were an episode of Goosebumps I would watch it. I used to love that show, and this book definitely sounds like it could be the plot for an episode.

  2. A-MD This book sounds like a mystery thriller. Every reader who enjoys a death and solving the clues left behind type book should read it. I myself, am a fan of this type. However I feel that the author's style is somewhat bad for my taste. Overal I may want to read it.

  3. A-CM
    Mystery novels have always been one of my favorites. The fact of solving a crime in your head before you finish the book is very self-satisfying. Mysteries always keep me interested in the book. It keeps you guessing on what will happen next or who the next vitim will be.

  4. This book definitely sounds like something I might want to read. I think any mystery novels are fun to try to solve on your own. It's even better when you solved it correctly before the book is even done.

  5. G-MS
    This sounds like a very good mystery story. I always love a good book that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Or like when you think you know whats gonig to happen then all of a sudden its gone.

  6. E-block/KT
    Mysterious novels are the best books to keep you reading. From the description of the writing style, I feel like this would be a great and easy book to read. "And when the story was finished, the whole world looked different. I'd met my father out there in the water. I'd felt him both pull me under and the push me up...That was it." This passage made me think of how children are very important to parents and would sacrifice themselves to save their own children.
    Nice passages!

  7. E-KB/EC

    This book sounds very interesting. I love mystery shows and movies! I've never read a mystery novel before but I feel like it would be hard to put down. You said that the book can get confusing at times and I'm assuming the author did this on purpose? The author might have done this in order to create suspense and keep you reading.

  8. A- AML
    This book seems like something that I can relate to. Not that my dad died, because he hasn't, but the fact that there's an unsolved death in the family. My uncle's death is still a bit unsolved, atleast to my family, but the cops seem to know what happened. I wish that I could be the one to find out the truth. This seems like a book that I would read because it seems like something that I could relate to. It seems very interesting.

  9. C-ZR
    This book sounds pretty interesting and I like how it is like a mystery and it would be fun to read and find out what happened to there dad.

  10. I haven't read this book and I don't plan on reading it. As it says in the report it is recommended for ages 11 and up and i agree with that, but i dont think many people our age would like this book. It sounds too much a children's stroy in my perspective. The book sounds like it would be a book that someone younger would really enjoy. I can't relate this situation to me personally and I am thankful for that.

  11. This book sounds good and interesting. I kinda wonder what happens to her dad and how they figure it out. i feel that this book really would keep me interesting and wanting to read more.

  12. Extra Credit E-JM
    I think I would really enjoy this book. Your summary made me really want to learn more about it and read it. I love mystery books, and this book sounds like it holds your attention and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I think this book might be a little easier to read, or at a younger reading level than I am used to.
